line0=Good evening, Lieutenant, this is your Battalion Commander speaking, Colonel DuBois. The Valley Forge is currently in orbital formation above Klendathu.
line2=Klendathu has been confirmed as the arachnid homeworld, and is populated by millions of bugs. Xenographic samples indicate that the majority of the bugs will be dormant when we strike, and surface encounters will be minimal.
line4=Your strategic objectives are as follows:
line6=Your strike team will deploy as part of the first wave. Your objective is to eliminate all arachnid hostiles from your mission sector, before the main landing force is launched. Your team is to sweep through the mission sector, locate all arachnid tunnel entrances and destroy them.
line8=Make sure you leave no tunnel entrances open behind you. As you progress through the mission sector, search for and destroy any surface dwelling arachnids.
line10=Once you have achieved these objectives, contact Fleet Liaison to organize retrieval of your team.
line12=Proceed now to assemble your strike team.
line15=^9 Summary of Objectives ^0
line16=^7 1. Destroy all arachnid tunnel entrances. ^0
line17=^7 2. Eliminate any arachnid hostiles from mission sector. ^0
line18=^7 3. Minimize casualties. ^0
line0=Good work, Lieutenant, your mission objectives were all successfully achieved.
line2=We are temporarily unable to retrieve you from your mission sector. Your orders are to standby at your current co-ordinates until you receive further orders. Stand firm Lieutenant, help is on the way...
line0=^1 UPDATE ^0
line1=^0 Now that the Terran Council has declared war against the arachnids of Klendathu, Command HQ has mobilized a massive invasion force.
line3=^0 Six Mobile Infantry divisions are about to deploy from orbit and devastate the main arachnid population centers.
line5=^0 Tac-Recon have detected plasma launches from the planet surface. Analysis indicates that these launches are random, and present no danger to MI dropships.
line7=^0 Our assault will commence at dusk when the arachnids will be sleeping. We're going to give these bugs a wake up call they'll never forget.